NAD vs. Adcom

thinking to upgrade power amp to make B&W dm604 s3s sing. any thoughts on NAD s200 vs Adcom gfa 555II or GFA 5500? currently biamped with NAD c325bee driving mids and highs and Adcom gfa535II driving bass {using preamp section of c325bee}
Depending on budget, I would look at something other than the Adcom amp.....besides it being an old amp, its not very musical sounding at all.
I agree that Adcom products are not very musical. However, many people seem to like to 555 II. What is your budget? Maybe you could get into a McCormack amp-say the DNA .5. That is a very good amp. If not, try a B&K ST-140. Very musical, 120 watts per channel, and used its about $200. Enjoy.