Simaudio's New Moon 700i Integrated

Simaudio just announced the new Moon 700i integrated. It is above the i-7 and has more power. Has anyone heard or seen the new model. I'm trading my i-7 in for one of these new unit in the next month. Can't wait!\

They are also coming out with a Moon 750D DAC/Transport as well. Which I'm going to order as well. Any one see this one as well? THANKS!
10-12-09: Joeyboynj
Hi Rich, yes I have had many amp and pre-amp set ups. Recently, I have been enjoying the simplicity and savings of not having to worry about an extra interconnect, power cable, footers and shelf space. I think high end integrated amplifiers/preamps offer same performance as separates especially in my small room. If I was using this system in a much larger room I would have separates.
I cannot agree more with the above. I have owned quite a few separates, though not top-class equipment but of good quality. My current integrated amp beats them all in terms of musicality and coherency. If the volume is not needed ie. efficient speakers in small to mid-sized room, good integrateds make a sensible choice.

Sorry, don't have any input on the Moon 700i.
According to Simaudio's site, there is no DAC incorporated into the Moon i700. There is also no mention of a USB port on the chassis.

Other than that, it looks like a nice unit.
Br3098, were were talking about both the 700i integrated and the 750D transport/DAC.

Its the 750D that has the DAC and USB ports.
The retail prices just came out. $11,500 each.

Looks like I'm not upgrading, especially since they are not offering me a trade up program like they do on other equipment. Bummer!