Simaudio's New Moon 700i Integrated

Simaudio just announced the new Moon 700i integrated. It is above the i-7 and has more power. Has anyone heard or seen the new model. I'm trading my i-7 in for one of these new unit in the next month. Can't wait!\

They are also coming out with a Moon 750D DAC/Transport as well. Which I'm going to order as well. Any one see this one as well? THANKS!
Joeyboynj...i talked to my local Simaudio dealer and he said they are coming out with a DAC based on the 750D architecture (i.e., ESS Sabre 32-bit DAC with their asynchronous jitter elimination design) that should come in at the $3K range sometime in 2010. Their current new 300D DAC is based on the BurrBrown PCM 1793 DAC chip similar to what they use in their Moon CD 1 player. I am going to audition the 300D but my sense is it's probably going to be similar to current offerings in the $1-$2K range (Benchmark, Bryston, etc...). If the 750D is all it's cracked out to be and you don't need a transport, then waiting for the stripped down DAC based on the same architecture may be the way to go. At least that's how I am thinking about it.
What I heard from a dealer in Montreal, it should retail for about $1500 CDN.
