Jeff Rowland Sound

I just installed a pair of model 6 monoblocks driving a pair of usher rw729 monitors and then put them on my soundlab m2's;the results of which I never experienced with a solid state amp of this quality as I am a tube guy;my question basically is
how does his amps of today sound vs the model 6 and the other amps produced during their time?
Rleff, I have actually listened to Boulder 2060 and Rowland 312 for several hours in the same system while I was in Denver for RMAF. The amps were set up in the main showroom at Soundings Hifi, just across the parking lot from the Marriott hotel. The rest of the system consisted of: Boulder CD player, Boulder 2010 preamplifier, and Vienna Die Muzick speakers. Speakers had undergone considerable placement setup by Rod Tomson using the MasterSet methodology. All wiring reamined constant/consistent: a mix of Transparent and Analysis Plus.

It seemed a reasonably unanimous impression of all audiophiles present that 312 was preferrable to 2060 in the areas of overall musicality, transparency, micro resolution, harmonic exposure, linearity, extension, ease of listening. Where things really surprised everyone, is that 312 seemed to yield also greater macrodynamics and authority than Boulder. Conversely, Boulder 2060 and JRDG 312 seemed comparable in imaging and staging.

Unfortunately I have never heard Pass amps, so I can't comment.

I've owned Jeff Rowland Model 2 and currently own Pass Labs XA-30.5. As I remember Model 2 sounded very smooth, in fact a little too smooth for my taste. XA-30.5 does not sound as smooth, but sounds more dynamic and detailed. To my ears XA-30.5 sounds more realistic and musical. YMMV
Fair enough, but it is worth pointing out that JRDG Model 2 was introduced 15 years ago in 1994 and was withdrawn in 1999. . . conversely Pass X30.5 has been out only for a much shorter spell, and is current production. Unfortunately technology, and with it sound reproduction, does evolve. G.
I have to agree with JMCgrogan2 that the sweet spot of Jeff's line were the 2/6/8 and 9s. My model 8 with choke is IMHO far warmer than the later class D amps.
I have compared this amp to several ss amps and the only other ss amps that I could live with at all were the Symphonic Line amps. In an 'AB'in my system with the mono Levinson 436's, the group preferred my 8 in all areas!