Jeff Rowland Sound

I just installed a pair of model 6 monoblocks driving a pair of usher rw729 monitors and then put them on my soundlab m2's;the results of which I never experienced with a solid state amp of this quality as I am a tube guy;my question basically is
how does his amps of today sound vs the model 6 and the other amps produced during their time?
I owned the Model 1, 2 and jumped all the way to the 8 (no battery pack) some years back driving my previous Avalon speakers, I could not tell of any "house-sound" except from the fact thet they were all great in my system - natural, musical and dead-silent.

Saying that - I switched to Gryphon amps and never came back.
I again want to thank everyone for their posting;also Flg2001 what does the Gryphon amps do that the rowlands did not do for you;are you still using the same speakers that the rowlands were driving?
Rleff- I am back to tubes now with a short period with SET, now I am resting with a class A Jadis amp.

Almost all my life with Rowland amps were with Avalon speakers (you might be aware off the business/friendship relationship of Neil and Jeff years back) and, to make a very long story short, I found the Gryphon amps more dynamic, energetic with a great sense of life-like presentation vs the Rowlands - but please take note that this happened in my system/room configuration. I could live happy with any one of this two great brands again.
10-18-09: Flg2001
[...]to make a very long story short, I found the Gryphon amps more dynamic, energetic with a great sense of life-like presentation vs the Rowlands

On the point of "life like presentation" and adding to this the emotional intensity and conveyance of music i also preferred Gryphon to Rowland, at least from the perspective of their respective latest model integrateds
Flg2001 and Kiwi 1282001, What pre-amps are/ were you using when you had the Rowlands in the system and now with the Gryphons? IMHO the preamp of choice has a very BIG influence on the sound of the amp, among of course many other things, like cables, room, load etc, etc.