Amp Options/Questions for Revel Studio v1


Looking for ideas for amping Revel Studio version one speakers. I currently have Pass Aleph2 and Aleph P.

I would like to keep the Aleph2 to use for bottom end power.
Was thinking about VTL MB-125's for top end.
Is this a good match?

Or should I sell/trade in the Aleph2's and save for MB-185 or 450?

Looking for best match either SS or tube for studios.
My budget is right at 4k.
I thought of VTL because of their power to drive a speaker like Studio (MB185/450) but am open to other suggestions.

I will be keeping the Aleph pre amp no matter what. Really need some help here.
The VTL amps have always appealed to me,more than the pres.Keep in mind that different output tubes (88s,34s and such) will effect the top and bottom response.IE:softer top-end will soften the bass (transient wise).
What is the current output tube on the MB-125?
You do realize that the imaging of the two pieces may not mesh.The other to consider is that tube watts will be perceived as 2X SS watts.Maybe a smaller tube unit would be better (70-100).
Any thoughts about a XA or 150.5/350.5?

This is the current tube complment of the MB-125:
4 x EL34, 2 x 12AT7

I am very new to tubes, although my phone stage (JD9A) is tubed. And no, I was not aware tube watts were twice that of solid state watts. I have thought about Mcintosh MC352 which is SS, but no other tubes. Always thaough tube were used for horn or less than full range speakers.

In the case of the MC352, I would not need any other amps.
Do you know of a tube amps (mono or ST) within my budget (new or used) that would suit my needs?
If you won't be using an outboard crossover,then you will need to keep the input sensitivity the same or use attenuators/potentiometers to match levels.
Do you not like the Aleph sound in the hi-freqs?Had you thought about another Pass design?
Can you give me an idea of your current sound and what you would like to gain.I'm not sure that a SS amp from another manufacturer will send you into new territory.
If looking warmer/fuller:Jadis:Even the Defy is no slouch(100W).The Primaluna 7/KT-88 monos(with input tube rolling-70W).
Did you mention your price range?
I do like the sound of the Aleph2's I think very respectable for what I've heard is a 160
watt amp powering the Studio's. I play mostly jazz and jazz fusion. Chick Corea, Stanely Clarke.
Also Rock like Grand Funk, Dobbies Alman Brothers Led Zep. I like to have wide deep sound stage and be able to point to insturments.

My budget is about 3k. I know I am asking a lot but I can live with used equipment, in very good condition. My Aleph equipment was used. But it was well taken care of.
The Lamm is out of my range for now. I guess a good question would be to ask what would you do in my position? Bearing in mind I want to keep the Aleph pre.