Bi-Amp Crossover Advice

I have 3 questions:

1)to finally bi-amp my Maggie 3.6R's I need a crossover and I am trying to decide between a Bryson 10b, Marchand 44 or Marchand 126. I plan on using the 2 amps and a sub, so I want to run one amp to the high/mid section of the Maggies and the other amp to the bass panel. Then I want to use the crossover to sum the low frequency and send to the sub (probably below 38hrz). I am shying away from the Marchand 126 because I have read several reviews that say it can color the sound, and I don't want that. I want to hear the amps, not the crossover. So any comments on the Marchand vs the Bryston??

1) I am keeping my Cary CAD 500 MB's for the bass panels, and either using the Cary 120s or (2)McIntosh MC275's bridged. I am leaning towards the Cary for continuity and cost. I am just wondering if 120w per channel is enough for the high/mid's? I am also thinking about the Rogue 150 MB's? Opinions on this set up? I like the idea of the McIntosh amps, I have always loved them, and even if the bi-amping doesn't float my boat, I would prob keep at least one of them, just because they are such awesome amps.

3) With the cost of this "improvement" should I just upgrade my amps to the Bryston 28sst instead? Net cost would be about the same>

I have the 3.6 and have tried them in biamp, stero, monoblocks, and they always sound musical. I use the Marchand XM44 and it is splendid, the XM26 is way too dark and veiled in comparison. The XM44 gets out of the way. I think you should consider the Bryston amplification as it is just magical on the maggies. All you need is the 14BSST though. The 28BSST will only add 3dB for a lot more money. These speakers are not for loud sessions, but for finesse. The Bryston are the best sounding SS amps on these speakers (Magnepan)period. In fact, they sound more tube like than my tubes. They are sweet, full bodied, and make me think I should have just bought the 14BSST, forgot the Marchand and lived with the simplicity of passive Xovers. In fact, I am using the 4BSST, and it sounds splendid until the lights flash (about 95dB spl large room) reminding me the 14BSST would have been a better choice, but the sound is so complete, with no grain, zero SS edge. I have tried the Pass preamp, the EAR 834, Music Reference RM5 MKIII, and the Quicksilver Full function modified, and the EAR and Quicksilver were the best, followed close by the MR, then the Pass. The Pass was just a bit lean. I have also tried the 20k CAT legend, and the CAT was great, but the Quickie was right there as was the EAR. Jallen
Macdadtexas, if you want the crossover to be "out" of the sonic chain, I recommend the Bryston X-over then. I have not found a better x-over for my MG-20's. The Pass Labs x-over is a step above sonicly, but retails for around five or six thousand dollars, they come up used every so often.

Jallen, no disrespect to your position that Bryston amps are the "best" sounding SS amps you can use on Maggies, however that leaves out system synergy and personnal taste. I have had Bryston amps power my MG-20's and have always found that, to my ears, Pass Labs amps always sound more musical to me in my system.
Why not use a Dahlquist LP-1.It can be easily upgraded and isn't bad in stock form.
Are you talking bi-amping, in which both amps get the entire signal, and then feed the crossover, or do you want to go active? By going active I mean: the signal from the preamp is fed to an active crossover, which feeds the poweramps (each amp getting a limited frequency spectrum), which are directly connected to the Maggies.
Satch, I am talking active. Both the crossovers I mentioned are active x-overs.

Jallen, I have used the Bryston 14bsst in my system previously, and it is a special synergy. But to be honest, not the best amp I have used. My current Cary CAD 500 MB's I feel are a level above, and I thought the Innersound MonoBlocks were in the same league.

That is good info on the 28 Bsst's though, thanks.