Newbie - Which USED Amp & Preamp for under $2500

My preamp has seen better days and is sounding awful. My amp is pretty weak too. I have $2500 to spend and I need help. I've been looking at the following, any advice would help:

Audio Research SP17L Tube Preamp
Quad QC24
Arcam c30

Arcam PI monoblocks
Conrad Johnson MF 2250
Bel Canto Evo 200.2
Quad 99
Perraux 200P
Refurbished McCormack DNA 125

Below is my current setup. I plan on upgrading my speakers in the near future, so I'll want something that will work now and later:

Hafler 9130 amp (x2)
Adcom GTP 500 Preamp
B&W 602 series 3 Speakers

At your price point, I would seriously consider(used)...

Modwright swl 9.0 se ($1k-$1.2k) - 6Moons review
EnjoyTheMusic review
Positive Feedback review

Do a search here and on Audio Asylum, this preamp has gotten a lot of good reviews by users.

Art Audio VPS-DM - fully dual mono signal and power supply design. This is a fantastic preamp (1.5k)

SS amps:

McCormack DNA-125 ($1.2k obo)
EnjoyTheMusic review,
Stereo Times review,
Stereophile DNA-225 review(same circuit design, just more power)

Belles 150A Hot Rod or Reference - ($600-$1.6k)
Soundstage review (Reference)

Might also consider Bryston 4B-St or Odyssey Stratos monos

If you are open to newer Class D amps - Wyred 4 Sound SX-1000 or

Channel Island Audio D-200 ($1.3k)
Positive Feedback review
Dagogo review