Preamp to match Parasound JC1 monos

Looking for preamp to match the JC1s and B&W N802s. Currently using Meridian 502 pre,
Thank you
I thought about the JC2 also, but I'm thinking maybe a tube preamp will be a good match for B&W N802's.
Jump on the Thor T2000 on this site..You will never have to look back..Awesome preamp..........
I used a few different preamps with the JC-1s when i had them. I loved the BAT VK-31SE with them. I think a used 51SE would be even better.
I own N802 (drived also by very powerful amp - Spectron) and I highly recommend Joule-Electra (LA-150 or LA-300) truly a magical synergy. I tried a number of preamps and J-E was the best

All The Best
Ellyjr, I have JC-1 amps and am using a Herron Audio VTSP-3 tube pre and the sound is fantastic. They are an excellent match.