mcintosh vs jeff rowland

Does anyone have an opinion as to which integrated amp is better between a mcintosh ma7000 and a jeff rowland concentra or continuum? Thanks

I think you are both wrong. Three dimensional (3D) means height, width and depth. Any two channel system that is worth having or is not broken will have all three dimensions. Three dimensional does not mean having sound coming at you from all directions as you would on a busy street. 3D has nothing to do with surround sound or home theater. It is what it is!

Look up the definition please!

Three-dimensional: adjective
having or appearing to have length, breadth, and depth :
a three-dimensional object.

I think 3D is a good descriptor for a sound system, and should definitely be included in the TCTDA. Good two channel sound is very three dimensional, as is live music.
Jprice, how are you feeling about the MA7000 these days, are you still missing the Rowland?
length? We have 1D down...2D to go. For 2 channel audio. Definition is still not applicable.
I have never heard a so called 3d system sound anything like the real thing ever, especially when it comes to orchestral music. Anyone who frequents the concert hall will know this immediately, it is no secret. What you have with these 3d system is a very fatuging detailed sound that is nothing like the real thing. Anytime I hear people talking about this type of sound probably never heard the real thing or very seldom have heard the real thing. What you have is a detailed illusion of a sound that is totally unreal sounding. Some like this, I do not. Most of the time I will hear a system like this and i get bored almost immediately, totally uninvolving. Detailed and not musically satisfying.