best solid state integrated to match with B&W 685s

Hi folks, I am new to Audiogon but love the site. I am just starting out on my trip to audiophile heaven, and currently I have 15 year old Yamaha gear (RX-485 and cheapo CDP). I bought the B&Ws in August and have been researching ever since.
The room is small, 14x12, and my music is intensely varied, from Snoop Dogg to Aphex Twin to Vivaldi. What would be the best integrated amps to start auditioning?
I am planning to eventually build a system with an external DAC and the Wadia iTransport, so am looking very hard at refurbished Deccos...Also considering the NAD C326 BEE, the Cambridge Audio 550a, the Music Hall A25.2, and a used Creek 5350SE if I can find it cheap enough.
Budget is under $800, has already been pushed to the limit.
I used a NAD C325BEEE with the 685's in a smallish room and the sound was terrific.
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The NAD seperates I mentioned would match perfectly cosmetically and functionally. My take on the Cambridge (if that what you're referring to. CA?) is that it sounds just fine, excellent value. Buy the NAD 372 if new really matters. (Warranty.) You would not "over-power" your spks. I see your point if you decide adding an NAD CDP in the future, the colours may not match. I would not worry about this at all.
The Peachtree Decco is a great place to start and they're beginning to show up used for less than $500. The built-in DAC is quite good and when your budget is less pushed to the limit you can add any amp you want and use the Decco as a DAC and preamp. It's not the last word in build quality but a great bargain and its flexibility makes it an excellent centerpiece for a system you plan to upgrade.
Bob_reynolds - can you expand a bit on these two things - bass management using pre amp out and main amp in, how is this wired, and what do you mean by high-passing the B&Ws? Does this mean only amplifying the high frequency speaker terminals, and using a sub for the bass? Can you recommend a decent bass management unit?
Thanks for all the responses.
Mst - I auditioned several speaker sets in the showroom, was really itching to buy, and the B&Ws look really good with the grills off - better than all the others IMHO. I am an architect and thus place probably too much emphasis on looks...