SED Winged C el34. Help

I am tube rolling my Manley Snappers. I have heard many good things about the Winged C's. I have a few questions.
Are they reliable? I bought JJ el34's and the were like hand grenades in my amps. They blew and took out the tweeters and the woofers in my speakers! Ouch.
So I went to the EH 6ca7 at Manley's suggestion and they
have been reliable. However I would like to try the winged C's, but not at the expense of my speakers.
Also, where do I buy them. I saw a thread that said not to get the Svetlana version so I want to make sure I get the right tube. I have shopped at Tube Depot before but they don't sell them. Upscale Audio does but I have seen them for less at other dealers. Can you reccomend a good dealer?
I would also like to hear from those with experience with these tubes as to whether I can expect an upgrade over the 6ca7's.
Thank you, Scott.
I just bought two matched quads of winged C"s from antique electronic supply. $208 for the octet. Will give them two weeks and let you guys know.
Thanks for all your input.
The winged C's were a nice upgrade. Thanks for the recco-
mendations. They have more headroom then the eh6ca7's and the high end is more clear. Same solid bass. I also up-
graded the front end tubes to Mullard Black Sables from
tube depot. Unlike the JJ's these tubes are almost tottaly
silent. A nice all around upgrade.
Of course all this will most likely be benifiting someone
elses system since I just picked up Lamm 1.2 reference
monos here on the 'Gon. Couldn't resist. Do you blame me?
Thanks Guys, Scott.
Has anyone compared the winged C EL34 with the new production tung Sol EL34s? Thanks
Can't speak to whether the SED "Winged C" will be an upgrade over the EH 6ca7. I've been running Winged Cs as a replacement for stock Chinese EL34s. The Winged Cs made a HUGE difference.

Check our Doug's Tubes for reasonably priced, burned in and matched tubes.