Class-D or switching amps, any opinions on??

Does anybody have experience on Class-d or switching amps vs either a/b or traditional amps?? I have heard people knock them for limited ability at the low frequencies. However, I listened to a Linn amp not long ago and could not hear it wanting for anything. I want to hear a Rotel switching amp to compare. Why buy a massive 90lb amp thats a space heater if you dont have to, right???
What is 'the new class D technology'? Who makes it? What makes it different?

Power supplies range from traditional to Switch mode stuff.

Class 'd' topologies (is that correct term?) are either full bridge or half bridge, from what I read.

Are you talking about say...International Rectifier modules? or Hypex?
Doesn't Rotel use ICE modules?

Except for pure 'A' amps, A/B IS traditional.

No LF problems as near as I can tell.

The only ALL NEW design I can think of is the new NAD Masters Series amp the M2.
Class D can offer as good phonics as A, A/B. Though, they are different beasts. Some like their signature, some dont. I have Rowland 201's and love them for what they can offer. I would look to purchase some second hand, and try them out.
>>10-26-09: Vandermeulen
Class D can offer as good phonics as A<<

Well that's an opinion and you're certainly entitled to it.

However, wrong it might be.
Theres no wrong when it comes to our ears. They are the only determining factor that maters. Audiofeil its to bad that you are so biased when it comes to these fine, cool running, powerful, low operating cost, small, sweet sounding amps. The sweet sounding part is my opinion. The other descriptions are a fact.
Bobrock as more manufacturers inter the Class D market you will find different signatures of sound between them. Look for good buys used and manufacturers who offer a in home audition.
Good luck and enjoy the music.
Well, I did mention "though, they are different beasts". We all know that class A is the cleanest amplification technology. But that doesnt necessarily mean anything in our world I venture to say.