"Matisse" preamp - 12AX7 12AT7

I'm using a Xindak XA3250, which is basically a clone of the Matisse circuit, with two 12AX7 tubes and two 12AT7 tubes. Problem is, the gain is so high that I can hardly turn the volume pot without the system being too loud for some late night listening.

Anyone know the best way to reduce the gain? I figure changing the 12AX7 tubes for another set of 12AT7 tubes would be a possibility....
Okay well, to report back, I tried it and it did not really change much at all!!
I rolled in a few other sets of tubes to see if any differences could be noticed, and slightly less gain was apparent on the following combination;
Brimar CV4004, GE JAN 12AT7WC
This also sounds great (except for the first time I turned it on there was good deal of buzzing whilst turning the volume dial on low levels - although it went away after a while, any idea what could cause this?).

I will now head down the in-line attenuator path I think....
don't have any : (
simple as that - I'd probably rather try the attenuator than hedge my bets on a new tube after so much experimentation to get the correct sound and then perhaps not even get the correct reduction in gain!

Feel free to talk me out of it though ; )