Wire the House A/C or get Power Conditioner?

I was thinking of wiring the house for Hi-Fi. You know, 10guage wire, separate lines for digital and amps, 20 amp breakers etc.
One of my buds asked "Why not just get a power conditioner?"
So I would like to know if a conditioner will do the same thing as new wiring?
Thanks, Scott.
I agree that you should do both. Be sure to use top quality AC receptacles that grip your power plugs tightly. Regarding the power conditioning issue, you might consider the PS Audio Premier Power Plant now being sold at $500.00 off list price. Why condition, when you can regenerate clean AC??
Sorry, I will give you just the opposite advice. Always start by first running dedicated AC lines in a single home run pull from your circuit panel to each receptacle. Keep the cables as close to the same lengths as possible. Upgrade each receptacle to a high quality all brass/copper alloy, non-plated, 20 amp receptacle like Hubbell 5362 or 8300, Portport (a cryo'd Hubbell), or Synergistic Research TeslaPlex (best, most expensive).

Only once you have good AC coming to your equipment is it worth experimenting with power conditioners.
You should do both, but follow the path that Rushton suggests. Been there, done that and wish I'd done the double run of 10AWG & high grade outlets first. And an emphatic YES; high quality power cords are part of the equation also. I'm using an Audio Magic Stealth XXX, and have found it an excellent conditioner, coupled with Synergistic Research's power cords
I did both at about the same time. I bypassed outlets completely by running three 15' runs of JPS Labs IN WALL AC cable directly from three separate 20 amp circuits in my panel to my equipment. One to each of my mono block amps (through the floor and terminated with a high quality Furutech IEC connector) and a third through the floor to my EquiTech which distributes the power to components on my rack. I do use fairly good power cords from the EquiTech to my components. There was a dramatic drop in the noise floor and a big improvement in the sound of my system. If you can only do one, I would start with the AC from the panel.
Both are great if you can afford it, I need to have some dedicated lines run myself. If you can only do one, I would get an excellent power conditioner such as the mentioned, PS Audio is a good place to start. I have PS Audio and APC, like them both.

As for the "MAGIC" power cords?? Just get some good aftermarket cords once your power situation going to the gear is stable. I like the Signal Cable ones I started with, and went back to after trying the Harry Potter method of power cord purchasing, you know it's all MAGIC.

If you feel the need to buy a Nordost power cord, spend the money on new sources/amps/speaker upgrades and your system will sound better.

Any more comments from the Wizards of Power Cord Magic out there? Hey, I have some great land in Florida for you guys.