Wire the House A/C or get Power Conditioner?

I was thinking of wiring the house for Hi-Fi. You know, 10guage wire, separate lines for digital and amps, 20 amp breakers etc.
One of my buds asked "Why not just get a power conditioner?"
So I would like to know if a conditioner will do the same thing as new wiring?
Thanks, Scott.
Do both. But if money and laziness is a factor, get a regenerator and good power cables, especially to use as input to the regenerator.

The best way forward ultimately has already been outlined above. (dedicated single runs of good quality cables from your main box, with good quality outlets and conditioning/regeneration.) It all adds up in both price and performance but once it is done you can forget about it.
I think getting a dedicated circuit is undisputed, everyone agrees it is a good thing. Power conditioners are not liked by everyone and more of a matter of personal taste so I think you should wire your house first, and IMO getting the basics right is always a good start.

Thanks for all the comments. I think I will wire the house first.
Do I use the wire from off the electicians truck, or buy special (expensive?) 10ga wire? Also where can I get the cryo'ed AC outlets?
I have also read that you shouldn't staple the wire under the house. Is that important?
Thanks, Scott
You can carry this to any extreme of excess you're inclined to pay for. In my experience doing this three different times in different houses, you'll get very good improved results by using a standard 10ga solid copper wire. The biggest improvements will come from

- pulling direct home runs from the breaker panel (no intervening breaks or splices),

- using a separate home run cable for each receptacle,

- having your electrician apply Walker Audio Extreme SST contact enhancer on each connecton from the breaker to the receptacle (not kidding here),

- having the electrician clean and tighten the connections at the grounding rod and at grounding bar inside the circuit box, and if there is any question about the grounding rods, driving new replacement copper clad grounding rods, and

- installing cryo'd Porter Ports or Synergistic Research TeslaPlex receptacles. If you can install non-ferrous boxes for the receptacles, do this too.
Keep the runs separated by about six inches, over their total length, to avoid any induction.