High Current SS amps with input impedance = 200K

I'm looking to identify amps like this that would match optimally to an Audio Research sp16 tube pre-amp with output impedance of ~ 20K?
Glai -- Wow! I looked at your system description, and I must say it is utterly magnificent. Congratulations!

As to why the Ref 3 did not give you the tight bass and the better transient response that the other two preamps do, I have no ideas to offer. What I can say is that I doubt it has anything to do with the somewhat higher output impedance of the Ref 3, considering that your interconnects are short, your power amp input impedance is reasonably high, and considering its outstanding reputation among many of our members, and the excellent reviews of it that I recall seeing.

Emerson -- Glad things seem to be shaping up. Again, there is no technical explanation that I can envision for the effects the Burson buffer stage seems to be having, and I doubt that it has any relation to the impedance issue this thread has focused on. As we all know very well lots of things in audio are both unexplainable and unpredictable.

-- Al
As we all know very well lots of things in audio are both unexplainable and unpredictable. Almarg (Answers)

Al, I said practically the same thing in the "This Makes No Sense" thread.

All things occurring with the performance of audio systems are not guaranteed to make sense. If everything made sense, man would this be simpler. Foster_9

So our thinking is practically the same on the subject.
Yes, you can cross all the Ts and dot all the Is and there is still that mysterious place known as ..... The (audio) Twilight Zone....

Ominous music cue........
I've continued to research amp options for my system since my last postings here.

The bigger Class Ds that specifically address input impedance matching with tube pre-amps in general are still at the top of my list as a result of cost effectiveness, favorable reviews and commentary, specifications and small footprint and resulting impact on my current system layout and configuration.

The Bel CAnto ref 1000 mkiis (currently going for under $4000 used) would seem to be the holy grail in my case based on what I read and have gathered in lieu of hearing one.

The Wyred st-1000 ($2000 new, under that used) would appear to be the very close next best thing for significantly lower cost.

My impression is that the Wyreds and their ilk are driving down the resale value of the Bel Cantos and their historically pricier ilk (like SPectral and perhaps to a lesser extent Rowland).

Any comments on Wyred st-1000 versus BelCanto ref1000 mkii? I might be tempted to try the Bel Cantos at some point soon if further convinced that the sound differences justifies the cost premium?