Audio Note, Lamm, 1st Sound with McIntosh 275?

I'm digging info about preamps to match with my MC275 and B&W 804S and would appreciate input as to "house sound" and likely synergy between the 275 and Audio Note M3, Lamm LL2, and First Sound Presence. Unfortunately I cannot audition them.

Other preamps being considered are McIntosh 2200, Red Wine Isabella, and Rowland.

You should add the Suprateks to the list.I would think that a slightly polite top-end would be a must for this combo.Assuming the Lamm will be the LL2,I believe the First Sound will be the most affordable.
Have a Modwright 9.0se hooked to my Mac275. Very nice match. Both pretty neutral.
Thanks for the comments. Will add those to my list.

I'm surprised nobody is commenting on the Audio Note, or the LL2, though. Anyone?
