a little pre help please

Hi all, just wondering if anyone has done an A-B demo with the AES AE-3 Mk II, or the AE-3 DJH and compared it/them to the Primaluna 3 preamp. I am aware of course that the associated equipment makes a difference to the overall sound. So if you don't mind at least saying what type of tubes you were running in your amp(s)

thanks in advance!

KT 88,You had mentioned the AM and 6922/6dj8.I'm not completely enamored of the "super tubes".

I'm not enamored with super tubes either. In then end I went with a Rogue 99. I have read from some that is a bit noisy, from others that it is quiet. I previously owned the 66 and found it slightly noisy. But other 6SN7 pre amps were not available so the Rogue it is.
Why don't you try a mapletree 2A SE or 4A SE? I had the 2A and regretted selling mine. Dr. Peppard can customize gain and mods for you. You can also switch between 12sn7 and 6sn7 tubes. I found some awesome 12sn7 tubes on ebay cheap! Construction is a bit DIY but these things sound great. They sell instantly and you won't loose much money either if you don't like it.

Nice idea, except my rogue will be here tomorrow. might as well see i if i like it.
