What is an upgrade from the Creek 5350SE Classic?

I have a Creek 5350SE Classic. It is a very good integrated amp and surely deserves its "A" rating in Stereophile's components review.... I would like some input about what would be an upgrade from the Creek in sound quality. I don't need alot of inputs but a very good inboard a phono stage would be nice. however, I understand that a separate phono stage "usually" provides better performance. I have seen ads for a product called the Qinpu 8000MK II which is beautifully designed and looks solidly built. However, this is not a main stream company; more importantly is its the sound quality, and performance of the unit across the board. My speakers are being replaced by either Epos 16i or the new Rega RS-5 or RS-3. I listen to alot of classic rock, some Big Band and jazz, and at times classical. All comments welcomed Thanks, Jim
In response to Cmakak. If I decide to keep the Creek and purchase the Epos 16i's, the Creek delivers at least 100RMS at 4ohms....Regarding my budget range for another integrated amp, it will depend on what I can get for the Creek with its the MM board.... I have never been a big fan for tubes amps, but I see more members raving about the sound of their tube electronics; so, I could be persuaded to tube up, though I don't want to "roll" tubes or necessarily worry about biasing maintenance, unless I can find a very good auto biasing integrated. I am also wedded to the idea of having at least 85-100 RMS and dynamic headroom. The Qinpu as mentioned before is interesting but I have not seen much press on it. I would probably shoot for a used one, and have some cash left over to buy a good phono stage....Ejif suggested the Creek Destiny, but it is a lot of money even used and the phono board is about $500. If I did not get the Destiny phono board, I would probably spend as much or more for an outboarded phono stage with loading options and MC/MM flexibility. Thanks to all members who responded to this post. Jim
For rock, big band, jazz and some classical, regardless of whether you pick the Rega or the Epos speakers, I suggest plenty of power, in specs but more importantly in parctice. The Naim and Ayre amps would go nicely with the Rega speakers, but I can also vouch that the Naim amps will also sound wonderful with the Epos M16i as well.

$2000-3000, from smooth to detailed

NAD Masters Series M3
Vincent SV-236 MkII
Naim Nait XS (lower power rating, but real good)
Creek Destiny
Bel Canto e.One S300iu
T&A Power Plant

Over $3000

Ayre Acoustics AX-7e (lower power, but also real, real good)
Luxman L-505u
Naim Supernait
Musical Fidelity A5.5
ATC SAI2-150
Plinius 9200
Having had the Creek and Creek Destiny, Vincent 236MKII among many others I was stunned by the Exposure 2010S. I even called a out of state dealer who carried both the Creek Destiny and the Exposure told them what I was hearing and asked them if I was nuts. They said no ,hands down the Exposure. The Creek sounds more mechanical , The Exposure sounds more like real music. The soundstage on both is way bigger then the 5350. In fact the 5350 had the smallest stage of any amps I tried. The Vincent is also very impressive but it is a leaner sound. All system dependent maturally as well has personal taste..
I have not listened carefully to the Exposure, but it certainly is generating some buzz. I agree with your evaluation of the 5350, in fact, I think there are many amps that would be provide a noticeable upgrade. Another "bargain" to consider is the NAD C-373BEE.