Cary SLP 05 signal coupling caps upgrade ?.

Hi . I like to know if there is any Cary Slp05 preamp owner ugrade the signal coupling caps in yours preamp?.What is yours thougth on it?. Thank you all in advance .
I can tell you directly Cary will upgrade the unit if you choose they don't advertise a cap option ,if you have the moneys the very best caps on the market are the New Mundorf Silver Gold Oil capacitors .

They are outstanding I tried these in the 98 as well as the vh audio Teflons, my new slp 5 uses a lot of Teflon caps which are very good a little dry in comparison for I have tried both in my loudspeakers .I have tried pretty much all the big names out there and these are very natural sounding with plenty of air around the instruments.
The labor would set you back around $300 the caps around $400or so for 4.I would have to go through it see exactly how many,give them a call ,also once they got the unit they will tell you which caps and the uf and v rating
I hope this helps.
I noticed that you had the new Mundorf caps in yours slp 98.Are you planning to have them install in yours new slp05?. Many thanks.
I too was interested in this upgrade, however, I spoke to Cary yesterday and they DO NOT recommend an upgrade.
Ajackson1, did they (Cary) give you any reason about why this upgrade is not recommended?
Jdec, they said the best parts were used for optimal performance and that upgrading will be a waste of $$$.

I want, however, to hear from folks who have performed this upgrade. Was there a signifant improvement is sound?