Preamp for McIntosh MC225

I was going to put together a system for a smaller room primarily for cd/sacd/phono. I purchased an MC225 a few years back in excellent condition and haven't ever got the rest of the system together. I know the vintage C22 would pair up nicely, but any thoughts on the current lineup C220 etc? I guess the commemorative C22 would be great but they're a little high for me. Thanks.
The 22 would be a classic match up. You might keep your eye out for a C20 also if you want to stay vintage. Some people favor it over the 22. If it were me, I'd opt for a newer Mac pre. I owned the C2200 (haven't heard the newer ones) and think it would pair up nicely with the 225. Good luck.
I would think a Marantz 7 would pair up nicely with an Mc-225. Very classy system