Balanced tube preamps w/ remote to consider?

Seriously considering the ls-26 since it is right around my price point. My first pick would have been the atma-sphere mp-1 had it not been the price tag. What preamps can be considered from arc, bat, vtl, cary, etc.
The aesthetix calypso would have been considered if it wasn't for the price of the exotic tubes that are required to make it sing.
The amps are atma-sphere m-60, simaudio w-5 and conrad johnson premier 4 as back up.
As a former Atma-Sphere MP-3 owner and current Aesthetix Janus owner I heartily recommend the Calypso. I have two audio buddies that also own the Calypso and they are very pleased. Jim Mcshane can help with tube selection, good advice and real world prices.
Another happy Calypso owner. I've tried the BAT VK30 & Joule LA-150 Mk II, and prefer the Calypso by a wide margin. Noe: Tube selection is critical... I use white label Amperex 6922's & Mullard CV-4004's.
Pedrillo, Just a note on Calypso preamp tube compliment, I'm currently running a pair of RCA 5751 black plate triple mica and a pair of Telefunken 6DJ8. The 5751 have a little less gain (3db?) than the 12AX7 (I've run lots of old stock 12AX7s) but much quieter, they have a huge midrange with nothing lacking at either end, and the preamp has plenty of gain. Could not be happier.

Happy Listening!