Concert Fidelity audition program

I recently auditioned a Concert Fidelity CF-080 linestage as part of an in home audition program from their website. The linestage was mated to an Essence Electro Acoustics Emerald 1B amp and this match proved to be revelatory in improving my musical enjoyment. The CF-080 linestage is of minimalist design and really lets the music through with incredible transparency, lightening fast transients, and the most complete finishing of notes with tonal purity and accuracy I've ever heard.(The CF-080 replaced an $18K tube linestage in my system).I urge you to visit their website and take part in this audition program. If you are a user of Concert Fidelity/Silicon Arts Design products I would be interested in your tube choices with the linestage and your speaker choices when using the amps?
jwm. I auditioned the CF-080 for 2 reasons. 1-I read Dick Olshers rave review and that really quirked my interest. 2-Concert Fidelity has a (free-no strings attached) in home audition program. (what could be better!). I have not compared the CF-080 to the latest audio Reaseach or VAC linestages.
I can't use it because it is not balanced. Dick Olsher is great one of the best still writing. I saw him in person at last years CES with his wife of course and her cd.
Yes, he is one of the few reviewers that I follow and put some stock in. I have been in this hobby almost 40 years so I tend to stick with the old guard.
Hi Powder:

I currenlty own the Concert Fidelity CF-80 preamp, the Silicon Arts ZL-120 Monoblocks, as well as their Phonostage SPA-4B. I agree with you, these electronics are incredible. To answer your questions, I am using a "Matched Set" of Mullard Tubes (Which is what Olsher found to be the best match with the CF-80 Preamp).

In terms of speakers, I am using the "Venture Excellence Speakers". I have owned a number of speakers, and the speed, resolution, and realism that Venture Speakers offer nothing in my experience matches. They are an excellent match with Concert Fidelity/Silicon Arts Electronics (These are the speakers typically featured with their electronics at shows, and it is the system that Dick Olsher picked as best of show at CES twice in a row).

Hope this was helpfull
Malawar: I have tried many 12au7's (Amperex-Holland, Brimar, Tele-smooth-plate, Mullard GB 1959 with goal-post getters, Raytheon-metal plate, Sylvania-metal and graphite plate, Raytheon 7730 and 5963's amongst others) Best so far are a set of Sylvania (branded Hewlett Packard 5963's, pulled from an oscilloscope). Great body, weight and warmth with all the detail that the CF-80 linestage delivers! Second best are a set of Raytheon metal-plate 12au7's. These tubes just dialed in the CF 80 and the 040 DAC for me. As far as the rectifier tube-I am not a fan of the RFT. An early 70's RCA stop sign logo and a late 60's Raytheon 6ca4 have proven to be the best in my units-however, their are many more to try. Any feedback from other users of these electronics?