Passive Preamp works with Dynavector p75?

I am toying the idea of getting a passive preamp. My sources are EAD transport/DAC and a Clearaudio Emotion TT going thru the Dynavector p75 Phono Preamp. Downstream components are Mcintosh MC122 and Magnepan SMGc.

My question is, sonic benefit aside, will it works? I never understand the impedance-electric circuit requirement behind passive preamp setup but seem to remember that it might not be a simple plug-n-play. Your advice is appreciated.
You have to add the gain from the phono stage plus the gain from the line stage, (preamp) to see if you have enough total output for the cartridge. I would doubt that the setup you list above will work very well. What cartridge do you have? We will need to calculate the cart and the phono stage to see. The P75 has a gain of up to 63db max.
Thanks for your quick assessment. I am using Benz MC Gold cartridge which given its low output, probably doesn't help.
The MC Gold has an output of .4mv. This combined with the P75 gives a total output of just 575mv. You really need to be at 1 volt minimum and a little higher would be even better. You can try it, but I don't think it will sound very good and there will probably be more noise than signal.