Welcome Jmcgrogan2 & Acman3, to this "High Fidelity" thread .
It's true, the best of the CT-1 series cost dearly.
I'm selling my $10,000 Ultimate speaker cables to buy the $15,000
Ultimate Reference. (prices reflect 2.5Meter cables). Each piece of HF gear was a stretch for me but the results………worth every penny!!
Also true, these cables create an image and a "realness" that I could not have imagined possible. Reviewers and bloggers have gone crazy over this new magnetic transmission method and their Unbelievable - Unequalled results.
I kind of like the challenge of working out how to come up with huge piles of cash to advance my audio nirvana. Still, the Ultimate and Ultimate Reference cables are going to be out of reach for all but the wealthiest or craziest of us. (i'm not wealthy so…)
Also, I'm fairly sure the people on this thread already have audio systems. ;-) Dave
;-) Dave
It's true, the best of the CT-1 series cost dearly.
I'm selling my $10,000 Ultimate speaker cables to buy the $15,000
Ultimate Reference. (prices reflect 2.5Meter cables). Each piece of HF gear was a stretch for me but the results………worth every penny!!
Also true, these cables create an image and a "realness" that I could not have imagined possible. Reviewers and bloggers have gone crazy over this new magnetic transmission method and their Unbelievable - Unequalled results.
I kind of like the challenge of working out how to come up with huge piles of cash to advance my audio nirvana. Still, the Ultimate and Ultimate Reference cables are going to be out of reach for all but the wealthiest or craziest of us. (i'm not wealthy so…)
Also, I'm fairly sure the people on this thread already have audio systems. ;-) Dave
;-) Dave