SS Amp to replace VAC 300.1 in a side-ways move?

I've owned several very nice high-end solid state amplifiers. But, nothing has given me the same musical enjoyment as my VAC-300.1, which is a tube design.

I may be making some changes in my home, in which a tube amp will no longer be very practical.

Now being so hooked on that VAC tube "magic," I am concerned that I just will not be as satisfied, if I go back to a solid state amp.

I am not necessarily looking for a big list of SS amp recommendations to check out. More specifically, I am looking to hear from folks who have gone from the 300.1 (or similar class of tube amp, VTL, etc) to a solid state amp, AND BEEN HAPPY WITH THEIR SS SELECTION, over the long-haul.

Is there a solid state power amp that truely has the magic of a tube amplifier?

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To also add a brief comment - the VAC 300.1 has deeper and tighter bass response than the VAC 300.
Bobheinatz amp was not the same to clarify. Mine had TRL's ground breaking new power supply that was just developed. The 225 amps were still very good, but the power supply in the latest Samson amps are a revelation.

The other thing is one just can't swap an amp and then compare. A new component needs to be dialed into a system to know its real capabilities in that system. Changing a tube in a preamp, new IC, power cord, speaker cables, tweeks etc.....

I cannot overstate this point. My comments are based on keeping the same speakers and dialing in around that.

This stuff really changes things and one
Want to add more to my above points. When switching from one amp to another, just changing an IC can make all the difference in the world.All of a sudden the things one missed in the new amp are now much better etc... Remember, a system is just that - a collect of the individual parts.

My Samson amps just plain work wonderfully with the same builders tube preamp and his wire. Another my have the same amp with different results based on system set-up and synergy. We also have yet to talk about the room .....

Bottom line point is that with some effort a music lover, tube amp lover, can find bliss with an SS amp dialed into his SYSTEM.
I have not heard the DarTZeel, but I'm sure it is a good option. The best SS I have heard that had some tube-like character was the Pass XA.5 series of amps. I think the SS gear from Symphonic Line is also suppose to be a great SS amp that can satisfy those accustomed to tubes. That being said, even the Pass wasn't a tube amp, it just doesn't seem like you can really have an SS tube amp. If you like tubes, and the VAC is really fine example, I think it just is awfully hard to be totally satisfied with an SS option unless you happen to own a speaker that really needs SS current and drive, where tubes may not be at their best.