SS Amp to replace VAC 300.1 in a side-ways move?

I've owned several very nice high-end solid state amplifiers. But, nothing has given me the same musical enjoyment as my VAC-300.1, which is a tube design.

I may be making some changes in my home, in which a tube amp will no longer be very practical.

Now being so hooked on that VAC tube "magic," I am concerned that I just will not be as satisfied, if I go back to a solid state amp.

I am not necessarily looking for a big list of SS amp recommendations to check out. More specifically, I am looking to hear from folks who have gone from the 300.1 (or similar class of tube amp, VTL, etc) to a solid state amp, AND BEEN HAPPY WITH THEIR SS SELECTION, over the long-haul.

Is there a solid state power amp that truely has the magic of a tube amplifier?


Owning the Lamm M2.1s, and having heard, and coveted the M2.2s, I can tell you that while the M2.1s are top contenders, the M2.2s are the champ. (So if for some reason you were to change amps, the M2.2s would be the ones you would want, as they are the equal to the VAC 300, whereas the M2.1 is merely a close second.) The M2.2s are just a bit more transparent, and have a significantly better treble response. (The M2.1s have just a smidge of darkness to them, whereas the M2.2s have a wonderfully extended and airy treble response, only beaten by the aforementioned VAC 300, and even then, the VAC is only very slightly better.)

The darkness of the M2.1s can be mitigated through the use of NOS tubes, and really good speaker cables. (I too use the Amperex PQ Pinched Waist 6922s, and the Nordost Valhalla speaker cables are a perfect match for the M2.1s.) The darkness that is left is merely a hint of darkness, and most people listening to my system don't even notice it. It is only because I am so used to the M2.2s in my friend's system, that I even notice it myself.

With that being said, when a used pair of Lamm M2.2s show up here on Audiogon, I hope to be in a position to buy them. (However, they rarely, if ever, show up here.) The M1.2s seem to be much less of a rarity on th eused market, and I might give them a shot, even though I think they might just be just a bit underpowered for my system, as I use the EgglestonWorks Andra II speakers which are pretty power hungry. (Although, I know that Paul Bolin uses them with his Andra IIs, which is why I might consider them.)
Thanks Kurt, good input and perspective. I'm going to see Vlad and Lamm at CES, it will be interesting to hear current versions of his line and his opinions. Also looking forward at CES to seeing/hearing what Kevin Hayes is working on! Remember, I said I would have to be forced to change from my 300.1's... :-)
Great input guys-thanks!

I just came out of a 2+ hour session in my listening room and I have to confess that getting rid of my 300.1 will be a last resort decision, for sure.

Damn, I love that amplifier!

The dog learned to "take care of business" outside. Maybe she'll learn to stay away from the amp too.
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Having owned both the 300.1 and Lamm Ref 1.2 and ML1 I can tell you the Ref 2.1 would be my last choice. Both the 300.1 and the ML1 are much better then the Ref 1.2. I think the Ref 1.2 are underpowered and just didn't sound right. Both the 300.1 and the ML1 are very natural and very powerful given there ratings. 300.1 has a lot of gain so preamp matching is important.

Don't sell the tube amp if you can help it....