SS Amp to replace VAC 300.1 in a side-ways move?

I've owned several very nice high-end solid state amplifiers. But, nothing has given me the same musical enjoyment as my VAC-300.1, which is a tube design.

I may be making some changes in my home, in which a tube amp will no longer be very practical.

Now being so hooked on that VAC tube "magic," I am concerned that I just will not be as satisfied, if I go back to a solid state amp.

I am not necessarily looking for a big list of SS amp recommendations to check out. More specifically, I am looking to hear from folks who have gone from the 300.1 (or similar class of tube amp, VTL, etc) to a solid state amp, AND BEEN HAPPY WITH THEIR SS SELECTION, over the long-haul.

Is there a solid state power amp that truely has the magic of a tube amplifier?

Tvad, I know this is a tad late and off-topic, but how do you like the Moscode? Vrey interesting amp.
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Thanks Tvad. Any thoughts on how it compares to the Modwright KWA150 and/or Spectron Musician? Very different designs, I know, but I have read similar descriptions of the sound (best of tube and ss).
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It is intriguing.

I have heard the VAC 300.1 and it may be the best amp I have ever heard. I certainly understand that the Moscode mid-range doesn't compare to the VAC's, but how big is the difference? Were you able to narrow the gap through tube rolloing?