Amp for Thiel CS6

I currently am using a Conrad Johnson MF2500A to amplify my Thiel CS6 speakers. At times it seems as if the amp does not give as full, or solid a bass response as I would like. Is this a potential issue with the MF2500A? I am considering either a CJ Premier 350, or a Rogue Audio Zeuss. Any thoughts about these, or other amps with the Thiel CS6 speakers? Thanks.
I have a McCormack DNA-2 Dlx pushing my CS6s. While I am happy with it, I would not call the sound "laid back". I did prefer it to my neighbors Classe twenty five.

I have never heard a Krell amp in my system but would love to some time. I am also interested in hearing a Mac 402.

Some day when I have some extra $.......
After much debate, I ended up with a McCormack DNA 500. I only have about 10 hours on it, but so far it has certainly met my expectations. It has solved my issue by improving bass response, and it has a liquid midrange, yet at the same time providing plenty of detail. So far so good!
Droz: good choice for your 6s. Let us know how the amp breaks in and how the sonic picture evolves.

Happy listening!