which preamp to buy???

I am in the market to upgrade my current preamp ( Parasound P/HP 850), there are a few options here in my price range $500-600. My system consists of B&W 704's. Aragon 2004,Musical Fidelity V-Dac, Emotiva ERC-1 cd player. Cables are AQ King Cobra ic,Canare digital, and Paul Speltz's anti-cables (ic & speaker).
My room is large and on the bright side, lots of wood and windows, so I am looking for smoother highs and a better soundstage. I do not plan on needing a phono stage anytime soon.
Some of the pre's under consideration are the : Audio Research LS3B, PS Audio trio 2, Rotel 1090, Parasound Halo p3 and the Aragon 24k.
Any suggestions?
Slightly off-topic but I would replace that Canare coax posthaste. Just changed out mine and it's one of those times when you realize you were using a piece of flawed equipment.
Jult52: what did you replace it with? I would need something very reasonably priced?
I enjoyed my time with the Aragon 24k. Thats in your price range and would look cool with your Aragon amp. If you like tube sound try a CJ PV5 or similar vintage. Good luck
Tbromgard: I was thinking similar thoughts, although I haven't been able to find out a whole lot about the Aragon...I don''t think that they were ever highly regarded for their pre's.