Berkeley direct to Spectral Amp?

Is it safe to use a Berkeley Alpha DAC run directly to a Spectral DMA 180? Spectral of course states that the amp should only be used with a Spectral preamp and MIT cables due to the high band width and possible oscillation. I do use all MIT cables but would like to run the BADA straight, as recommended by Berkeley. I also do not want to see smoke coming from the amp or my speakers! If anyone has the technical knowledge to evaluate this I would love to hear some thoughts.

I bought the amp just a short time ago and it had issues with the left channel so it is at Spectral now having all the transistors replaced. I had thought about selling it because of my fondness for the Alpha DAC but I think it would sound much better than the Krell FPB 600c I use now. I do not want to risk any damage to it, especially after the work that is being done but man is it a piece of work. If I could find a way to keep it I think I would get the clear top, this is turning into a sick relationship!

Is this a real risk? I just do not have the technical knowledge to know...? Any experiences or thoughts related would be greatly appreciated...
that is fascinating lawrence. i am getting so much conflicting information as i research this. there is a post on the a/v guide forum that says berkeley uses spectral amps in their voicing, not sure if it is true but i would not be surprised at all given the relationship. then of course i also just got another firm suggestion not to do this from a tech at goodwins . he had discussed it with spectrals tech and, of course, was told not do it.

what the heck!!!
Well Spectral wants you to buy their Amp, Pre Amp, and Cd player. Why would they want you to use something else!
> that is fascinating lawrence. i am getting so much conflicting information as i research this. there is a post on the a/v guide forum that says berkeley uses spectral amps in their voicing, not sure if it is true

Yes, it is true - I have talked to them. The question is, do they use a preamp. Let me just simply say that, what you are asking to do, probably everyone does it and don't admit it; Harley did it and he is one of the few ones brave enough to say so... Guess what I do...
I do not know how to call this?
There's no problem to connect a Alpha dac or any other dac with volume control (like dCS etc) in any amplifier.
Also for cables there are many times better cables out there than MIT.
This "obligatory" tactics are b.s.
The only thing is if you like what you hear or not.

I have a friend with full Spectral system and a dCS puccini player, when he connects his player directly he cries about the money spent on preamp.
There is no difference sonicwise.

Happy listenings.