Experience with high end fuses????

I tried a high buck fuse for power supply in my Exposure 2010s last February it goes in the little tray under the power cord. I was burnt out from comparing things at the time but did switch it out with the stock fuse twice . My gut feeling was the new fuse cleaned things up the image more defined but also made the stage less open and things almost sounded digital and like the top and booom of tan EQ was boosted slightly. I sat down last night and compared and indeed this is the case. As I said the high buck one seems to clean things up but also shrinks the stage and makes the sound almost processed. Has anyone had any real experience with changing fuses?? I guess one would think the manufacture of the amp voiced it with the fuse they wanted in it. keith
Just out of curiosity,I installed one in my amp and at first I thought I heard something different.After listening for a while I realized that there was no change what so ever in tonal quality.I will not be buying anymore.As to your last question,I'm sure the manufacturer installed a fuse from a bin that contained hundreds of them that they bought in bulk for about 10 cents each.Just my thoughts.
IsoClean Fuses do make a positive difference. Improvement in overall clarity and detail. Make sure to put them in with the directionality correct. A good tweak is to paint the glass body with AVM to reduce resonance.

I also hear very good things about the Furutech ceramic body fuses.

Soon, Synergistic Research will be introducing high quality fuses that have been Quantum Tunneled. These will be the HOT TICKET!
Some of them have a picture of a diode/rectifier on them.If their
diagram on it is true,it may cause damage to the power supply by
partially rectifying the A/C needed for the power supply.The others
look the same as a stock fuse available at Radio Shack.I would never
put this fuse with the diode/rectifier in it in any of my gear.Ask a
technician,or engineer what a rectifier can do to the A/C side of the
the power supply.Those "cheapo"(as they call them) UL listed fuses do
their jobs as intended.They protect the equipment used to engineer, calibrate, and make our equipment. This is myopinion.[http://www.vhaudio.com/hifi-tuning.html]

The HiFi tuning fuses you refer too are the entry level aftermarket fuses and they are both sonically inferior to and of lower construction quality than the IsoCleans and Furutechs. I did not and do not recommend them.

"The others look the same as a stock fuse available at Radio Shack."

If you know of any "Radioshack" fuses that look ANYTHING like these, please let me know:


The IsoCleans are of vastly superior quality than your "cheapo" fuses and do indeed provide a slightly more detailed sound with a more extended top-end in a high resolution system.

I notice that you also actively trash the use of aftermarket power cords on other threads, offering no real information about the sonic impact, but only vague criticism about the solder quality of unspecified power cords in an attempt to cast dispersion on these products as a whole.

If you choose to stay clear of the whole notion of improving the sound of your system via improved power signal quality, good for you (at least for your wallet if not for your sound), but a little due diligence (perhaps actually trying the very products that you condemn) before panning a line of largely sonically beneficial products would better serve members interested in improving the sound of their systems than such unfounded speculation.