McIntosh MC-501 vs McIntosh MC-1.2KW

Is there anyone who has compared these pairs against each other? What are the differences?
try asking over at the McIntosh forums in and Several over there have tried this, I think.

Basically people say the 1.2 is just a little more of what the 501 is. Just like people say the 501 is a little more of what the 402 is. Usually upgrades from one to the other are done because the McIntosh sound is smooth and comfortable. You find yourself wanting to turn it up a litle louder and a little louder and then think well I can get more of this sound with the next model up.

Your ears can be hurting but the Mc's sound good, you want to go more and louder in a way. I don't know what you're trying to drive but you're getting into overkill territory. If you don't need 1.2 Kw I certainly wouldn't go there.

Often Mc fans just want a little more Mc'ness and the 1.2 Kw is used on home theater setups as well. It's a little different crowd. I can hardly imagine someone benefitting from the 1.2 Kw. I bought my Mc402 from a Doctor that had it for 2 weeks and decided he needed to upgrade to the 1.2s. I dunno, I could buy a Ferrari but I ask myself - what's the point?
Hi, I know what you're going thru with this question....I have 1201's (same as 1.2kw's) and upgraded from the MC352. (and, am considering the 2kw)

The sound was the same....just more ability to play loudly without "shouting" coming from the system. Even with loud loud loud music, the meters never indicate more than 12watts of the available power used. Now, that's called "loafing"'s nothing for this amp to put out that kind of power, and it sounds good. You can never have too much, why not get it?

I can tell you, with the 1.2kw's you would probably never need more power.

That said, anyone compared the 1.2kw's to the 2kw's?