Thank you all for your kind responses.
Clayton Audio - I looked into it but I'm not sure if I'm ready to dive into a brand like this. I've seen the good reviews and I'm sure they're a quality product/company but it doesn't seem like their prices are much lower.
Rtn1 - I don't see the Pass in your listed system. Are you still running the BAT preamp and now using the XA200.5 with it?
Peterayer - Yes I'll try and demo the Pass preamp/amp but it will be hard to do so mated with Rockports, and almost impossible to do A/B testing vs Gryphon, Krell, etc. And I agree they are much less expensive than the others. That's one reason I'm looking at it as a good value (can't believe I can even say this since the XA200.5 is damn expensive still). Have you played around with other preamps with your XA.5 amp?
Argryo - I've seen you tout the Tidal Sunrays in many threads. Have you ever compared them with Rockports, Magicos, etc? Do you still find the Tidals the most lifelike (live) of them all? I love the Rockports because of how "live" and lifelike they sound to me, i.e very similar to the small jazz pubs I frequent, and even the loud rock concerts I go to.
Lamm - thanks & yes I'm taking a serious look at that as well. So many audiophiles swear by them. It's unfortunate they don't have a dealer/distributor where I live (Taipei).
Thanks again for all the responses.