tube pre amp plus solid state power amps?

HI there,
My systems have always been tube system all the way through phon stage + pre amp+ power amps, but recently I got a little tire of maintenance of these amps and thought about changing power amps to solid state. I listen classical music. I always love tube amp particular from my LP collection. I am worrying about using solid state power amp will loose the texture of the sound that I like. However, I have done a little reading, some one said high end power amps will keep that sound, especially something like McCormack DNA-500 and Claytons amps. There are some writing confuse me, such as: “it is not important to use tube phon stage, solid state will be better.” I even read the statement says: pre amp is the least important of the whole audio chain.”

Well, what I am thinking about is keep tube system for both my phon stage and pre amp, use solid state for power amps replace tube system. Does anyone can tell me this will be a good change, or I need either whole system on tubes or on solid state?

It's not the same sound with a solid state amp. I have had the combination before. I'm used to a complete tube system and doubt that I ever could be satisfied with a solid state amp again. Some of my friends have solid state systems that sound excellent but they don't sound like tubes either. The maintenance is cheap and easy for me, one quad set of KT88's per year in the VAC and we're happy.
Yes, the hybrid tube/ss amp is definitely worth considering in this situation. Along with the brands already mentioned, there is Jolida, Vincent, and van Alstine.

I'm using the van Alstine Ultra 550 and it works very well for me. I think I'm sold on the hybrid tube/ss concept; tubes in the input stage, where they do their best, and SS in the output stage, where it does its best.
Tvad, some of the smaller McCormack amps actually have a pretty high input impedance.
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Crossed the Rubicon to the tube amp side in 04.Several times I went back and rotated in various ss and Class D amps,simply because I wanted to satisfy myself that I had made the right move.Biasing and a couple of blown tubes mixed in with my perfectionism moved me in another direction.I settled on a Space Tech labs tube/ss hybrid with auto bias.Very satisfied,the amp journey is now complete,at least for 09.