Help need an integrated amp for Tannoy Stirling

I am currently using a Sansui AU-717 to amplify my Tannoy Prestige Stirling SE speakers. The sound is characterized by listener fatigue and is a little bit like a scream. Before these speakers, I had Totem Hawk and the sound was OK, maybe not a very full sound but very listenable and enjoyable. Before I listened almost always an analog source LENCO L 70 modified plint and now I like to listen to more cd because of that. I'm sad because I don't like the sound anymore.
The Tannoy I bought them new and now they have about 200 hrs. Any thoughts about these, or other amps using the Tannoy Stirling speakers?
Thank you very much,
Around 3000-3500$ for used integrated amp.
Cartridge is Micro Acoustics MA630 and the phonopreamp is Threshold FET 10/pc with Lustre GST-801 arm. Before these speakers I has the same configuration.
try a Viva audio Preciso or Solista LT is amazing with Tannoy prestige series.
Hi Porto. I would 2nd the Manley Stingray as recommended by Face.
Although I have never heard the Tannoy Sterling.
My buddies Stingray was a synergistic match with my Tannoy Westminsters....very impressive indeed.
Agree with Aronsss. Tannoy DCs require a long break-in period. When first I heard my Tannoys, I feared I had made an expensive mistake. I played them round the clock for a month before they began to sing.

Also, Tannoy DCs require top-rate amplification. Look for a used pair of Jota monoblocks.