Powerful and strong ss amp at low cost.

I am looking for a used ss amp with 200+ wpc at 8 ohm, which is built like a tank, internally and externally.
Hafler DH500 would be an ideal choice. Which models would be similar to DH500 in its quality, ruggedness, and price?
Parasound. Incredible build quality for the price.

Try the HCA-2200, or HCA-2200 II.

Conservatively rated at 250W/ channel, high current.

They come up for sale on 'gon quite often.

Or if you really want some serious power and spend a bit more then the HCA-3500, 350W/ channel, 90 lb. beast.
I've owned both the Acurus A200 and A250. Build quality is outstanding, rugged as hell. Sound quality? A tad hard but it depends on the application. Probably as good as you'll find in your price range.
Many thanks.
I will look for some of those suggested -- Aragon, Parasound, Acurus, ... I would not care much about the sound quality since the amp would be mostly for playing background music.