Tbg, why so quick to come to conclusions? If you know anything about my
feelings about these matters (and not that I would expect you to; or, want
to) you would know that I am far from skeptical about the perceived effects
of these tweaks. I am, and have always been, a believer in the idea that,
especially because of how much we still don't fully understand about the
record/playback process and how much we tend to underestimate the
complexity of music's sound, that just as with musical instruments, just
about ANYTHING we do has an effect on the perceived sound to some
degree. Wether any given listener can hear it or not is a different matter.
My comment re Almarg's was an observation about the lack of reaction to a
very credible comment about the subject; and, one that I would have
thought would, at least, inspire some commentary by the proponents of this
particular tweak.
****There is too much amplification in most live music which seems to be
what modern musicians prefer over being a good musician.****
Yikes! I suppose that if I were more cynical I would think that I might have
the answer to my question. Now, I had started to both praise Wolf's wit and
to question why he would make a comment like he did. However, I deleted
it as soon as enough bean kicked in and I realized that wit was the
operative word here.