What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed

What direction should Hi Fi Tuning fuses be installed? They have a little arrow and I would think it would point the direction of AC flow but maybe it points to the AC source?? SEEMS to sound better that way. I know someone will say put it the way it sound better but i have 3 fuses here. That is 6 possible ways. Not in the mood for that. The arrow must mean somethuing. What about Furutech? Thoughts welcome. keith

Its true that not science and engineering cannot account for everything in reality. But it does a pretty decent job of accounting for the most critical factors usually.

Where would you place fuse direction on the relative scale of tweak effectiveness? What tweaks are just above and below in terms of effectiveness?

To me, one has to prioritize to focus on teh things that will add most value in any complex endeavor at any given time.

Tweaking fuse direction would be low on the list for me, one of the very last things I would spend time on, though assuming fuse is readily accessible, its a fast and easy thing to try onece one reaches that point I suppose, so it does have that going for it at minimum.

The thing with esoteric tweaks like this is there is usually not much down side to trying, as long as one knows what they are doing. So its hard to say that trying is a bad thing in that there may be little to lose. I would not invest a lot of time in this myself personally nor would I loose any sleep about not knowing which direction is "best" in that my prediction is that in most cases where things are in good working order to start, it won't matter much.

There could be value in the mere action of removing and re-inserting a fuse though in that the effects on electrical contact quality could be positive in most cases, unless something were to go wrong.
I do not do the fuse thing now. I was easy at the time because with the 2010 it was very quick with the little drawer on back. Oe has to draw the line somewhere.

This whole idea of you hear a difference because you want to is a joke. Let me be clear I DO NO WANT TO HEAR A DIFFERENCE but it is there so it really comes down to where does one draw the line
Mapman, direction of the fuse is pretty low in priorities, especially if there are multiple fuses. I remember dealing with Sander Audio about fuses in their Magtech amp. In my telephone conversation, I had to ignore all of the why bother to know the values. I then learned that some were inaccessible. I tested only the outside fuses and did so merely by putting them in one way and listening and then the other.

The old concern about minimum leakage voltage in how the power cord is in has bitten the dust as a grounding plug makes it very difficult. Also lifting all the grounds save the preamp that greatly mattered with my old H-Cat preamp is no longer of concern.

So yes, some tweaks matter more and components and cables can effect the importance of the tweaks. The High Fidelity cables cause many to no long have any value or have added value. One that has become crutial is electronically isolating the speaker wires.

Finally, when you are retired there is more time to tweak.
Almarg knows things. This is good.

The topic of "what live music sounds like" kills me. What we hear is influenced by personal perception that is individualized by ear wax, your hat, your background including mommy issues and environmental influences, food allergies, and cranium density (or emptiness). Also, I understand TBGs wit threshold as I have compassion for the humorless. I've been enthralled, irritated, freaked out by, compelled into trance like bliss, rendered itchy, and otherwise been exposed to a ridiculous range of live music including Thelonious Monk (I was maybe 11), my 4th grade autoharp gig, the Klezmatics, the Baltimore Consort, early Zep, Hendrix and Tull, weirdly entertaining open mic performers, decades of my own acoustic and electric endeavors including being haunted for many years by my guitar solo in an airline commercial, and all manner of jazz and classical stuff all over this flying wet meatball of a world...and my opinion is of no more importance than your drunk sister's...I am, by definition and professional standing, an expert, and I still would never try to define live sound for somebody else, other than trying to mix a show without irritating anybody...which I think only requires paying attention. To sum up, please pay attention. Sit up straight, spit out your gum, put the iPhone away, wake up your sister...
Wolf_garcia, I agree. This is why threads such as what is the best sounding amp, etc. are worthless.

I used to have a concert pianist friend who heard my stereo system. Once when we were at his home for dinner, I asked to hear his system. He agreed and took me to his office. In it there was an old Webcor portable record player. I was surprised and he noticed, saying that the music was in his head but that he was interested in how different conductors dealt with certain passages. I wonder how common this is.