What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed

What direction should Hi Fi Tuning fuses be installed? They have a little arrow and I would think it would point the direction of AC flow but maybe it points to the AC source?? SEEMS to sound better that way. I know someone will say put it the way it sound better but i have 3 fuses here. That is 6 possible ways. Not in the mood for that. The arrow must mean somethuing. What about Furutech? Thoughts welcome. keith
Al wrote,

"However, I have yet to see a technically defensible explanation of how a fuse would have any "knowledge" of the direction in which power and energy are being conveyed through it."

It's really rather simple. The sound is different depending on the direction of the fuse, any fuse. Therefore, the fuse must "know" which direction the signal, the music signal, the electromagnetic wave, is being conveyed through it. You're mincing words.

Frogman, live music is a difficult standard and has gotten worse. As I said, most groups cannot perform without it and those choosing professional audio gear are indifferent to the quality of that gear. At last year's Newport Beach audio show I listened to both Nnenna Freelon and Tierney Sutton perform live. I arrived as they were setting up and sat in the center about twenty feet away from the singers. There were two very large speaker arrays on either side. Everyone had their own mic. Especially when Freelon was on it was too loud.

Both singers gave great performances but Freelon is a showwoman without competition. I have her recording live and in my room I can turn up the volume and it sound very similar. I think increasingly that is about as good as you can be of using live as a standard. I have heard grand pianos live and they are loud. I have a few recordings that get very close to this. Forget about drums unless you have horns with compression drivers.

Finally, there are the halls. My University has a terrible venue. It has fluted concrete walls on either side of the stage and absorbent material on all walls intended to absorb all music. In turn the music is captured electronically and delayed in an echo chamber to get the needed delay and then sent to speakers throughout the hall. Some live music. One can sit in the center in the first two rows and get live music. Few want to be that close, but I do.

You say that "..most are not very familiar with the sound of live (music). I doubt that many can be familiar with live or that It is even real when they hear it. It probably isn't.

The real point is that there are no other standards for reproduced music other than live sound. I hate when some say that we should give up on reproducing "live music" as it is impossible. That our goal should be less lofty, namely "musical" sound. I say to them, go ahead and abandon the quest, I want "live."
Geoffkait, I agree. I don't know who appointed Al as the judge of what is a "technically defensible explanation." Mankind is not that advanced, especially when it comes to our hearing.
*****Therefore, the fuse must "know" which direction the signal, the music signal, the electromagnetic wave, is being conveyed through it.******

Mercy Lord, Mercy!! I can only conclude that you guys sell or manufacture 'audiophile' fuses. OR, you have absolutely no concept of electricity and electrical components. Next to you, the 'cable lifter' crowd make sense.

I'd say Al's about as good a candidate as I know of to offer up technical commentary regarding audio and electronics in general on this site. HE knows what he knows as well as what he does not and consistently states so accordingly in a very unbiased manner.

Not a good idea to discount knowledge that might exceed one's own. I think we all know that none of us knows it all. Well, except for GEoffkait maybe....