Wolf man wrote,
"I'm gonna reverse the direction of all the fuses in my rig, listen to it, reverse some of them, reverse the other ones, re-reverse the previously reversed ones, and then return the entire thing to its non reversed state."
I realize you're joking but the only way to do it with any chance of success is reverse the fuses one at a time and listen for a change in the sound. If the sound is judgement better for the first fuse go to next fuse. If the sound is worse put the fuse back in the way it was. If you're not sure if the sound is better or worse leave it alone and come back to it later. Continue until all fuses have been auditioned. Then repeat the whole procedure in case there were some fuses you were uncertain about. It will be much easier to hear the difference in direction the second time around.
"I'm gonna reverse the direction of all the fuses in my rig, listen to it, reverse some of them, reverse the other ones, re-reverse the previously reversed ones, and then return the entire thing to its non reversed state."
I realize you're joking but the only way to do it with any chance of success is reverse the fuses one at a time and listen for a change in the sound. If the sound is judgement better for the first fuse go to next fuse. If the sound is worse put the fuse back in the way it was. If you're not sure if the sound is better or worse leave it alone and come back to it later. Continue until all fuses have been auditioned. Then repeat the whole procedure in case there were some fuses you were uncertain about. It will be much easier to hear the difference in direction the second time around.