What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed

What direction should Hi Fi Tuning fuses be installed? They have a little arrow and I would think it would point the direction of AC flow but maybe it points to the AC source?? SEEMS to sound better that way. I know someone will say put it the way it sound better but i have 3 fuses here. That is 6 possible ways. Not in the mood for that. The arrow must mean somethuing. What about Furutech? Thoughts welcome. keith
Newton did not need a technical explanation or even mathematics to realize what was going on when he saw an apple fall from a tree. The most important part of the whole scientific method thing is the ob-ser-va-tion. Hel-loo!
As David Farragut once said, "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead." There will always be folks sitting on the sidelines throwing things at the players on the field.
Mapman wrote,

"Would I hear a fuse orientation change? Maybe first time at best (some of my fuses have never been touched since, well, forever), but I am skeptical about that even, and would be even more uncertain from there I suspect, therefore I will save myself the pain and uncertainty and just enjoy the good music until it stops being that and I have to figure out whats wrong now once again."

The Age of Uncertainty. And Pain. :-)
I find it absolutely makes a difference which direction a penny is inserted behind the 20 amp fuse in my fuse box. And wheats have a fuller, more rounded quality just like live - probably something to do with grain structure. Going to try a cryo’d dime next to see if silver really does sound more airy.
Mapman & Onhwy61, thanks very much for your kind comments. Let me say also that I always enjoy reading your invariably intelligent and level-headed posts.

Best regards,
-- Al