Al wrote,
"If any of those at the believer end of the spectrum wish to comment further, they may want to consider providing a description of what specific steps they took in their assessments of directionality differences to assure that the differences they heard were not the result of extraneous variables. Such as those I described in an earlier post, namely differences in contact integrity, equipment being in different states of warmup, differences in AC line voltages and noise conditions, etc. And note that I have not even mentioned until now the vagaries of aural perception."
Al, excellent point. I actually have no problem whatsoever with double blind testing, which you seem to be proposing, or any other type of test, as scientific and as thorough as you might deem necessary, to get to the bottom of this thing. Of course, having said that, I suspect that none of the naysayers will be jumping into the breech to perform any testing. It's the old pseudo skepticism thing, I guess.