What direction should Hi Fi tune fuse be installed

What direction should Hi Fi Tuning fuses be installed? They have a little arrow and I would think it would point the direction of AC flow but maybe it points to the AC source?? SEEMS to sound better that way. I know someone will say put it the way it sound better but i have 3 fuses here. That is 6 possible ways. Not in the mood for that. The arrow must mean somethuing. What about Furutech? Thoughts welcome. keith
Theaudiotweak wrote,

"How about magnets. Magnets enhance the directionality of ac passing thru them much the same as cryo treatment of metals and conductors enhance and unify the direction of their molecules. Results are better sound. Improved dynamics, lower noise."

Couple of nits. One, if you are referring to the music signal, the electromagnetic field, it's a little unlikely that magnets can affect it since the electromagnetic wave is comprised of photons traveling at the speed of light. Like light, the electromagnetic wave in cables is unaffected by magnets. Two, if you are referring to electrons, electrons are not the signal nor are they the current. In addition, the electrons travel extremely slowly in cables, about a meter an hour. So, magnets, one assumes would serve only to slow them down.

Cryogenics, on the other hand, simply rearranges the atoms and molecules of the material making the atomic structure more homogeneous. So, apples and oranges.
Hey, Tom, I've been using magnets since Christ was a Boy Scout. I'm just objecting to your explanation. For years folks were trying to get rid of magnetic connectors, magnetic steel enclosures, magnetic screws in speakers and wall outlet plates, etc. Who woulda think it, magnets are good! Lol
Geoffkait, I aware of all you say about magnetic fields, etc. I also know that many have worked with magnetics for years. I knew a guy who put a series of transformers in a box at right angles to each other so as to reduce the influence of the magnetic fields. I have had repeated discussions with some involved and have often been told that they cannot really explain why but that the use of magnets does work to achieve their goals. In the case of Rick Schultz's "magnetic conduction," I would have to agree that it works. I guess the conclusion I would come to is that science should pay more attention to these questions.
Magnetic fields is pretty basic Elecronics 101. No mysteries there, only how it relates and to what extent case by case. It usually does whenever transformers are involved.

SOme tweak-mongers would have us tweak shield to compensate for earths magnetic field even. ANd stick gadgets on our refrigerators. DOn't forget about that.....
Tbg, if folk aren't wrapping their toroidal transformers with annealed mu metal they are nowheresville. There are a lot of things going on under the radar that will come out at a later date, bye for now...