Pass X1??

I am using a Pass X1/X250 combo with nice results but am wondering if the x1 is one of those preamps to hang onto or is it so far obsolete that it could be easily beaten with a less expensive new preamp. My X1 sounds fine but have there been advances in preamps that make the X1 obsolete or is it a piece to hang onto for a long time. Mine is sounding good but as it is now the oldest component in my system I thought I'd ask. I recently got new digital which is indescribably better than I was used to and the digital I was used to was pretty good. I'm thinking the x1 may be a keeper because of it's simplistic design. I think if something goes wrong with the X1 that it will come across as obvious and not just degraded sound. I would consider the XP-10 but it does not have a tape out which is essential for my headamp. The X20 is simply far beyond reality due to price point. I guess my question more to the point is that if I sell my X1 for $2000 then what would far better it at the $2000 price point? I'm still thinking the X1 may be a keeper. It will require replaced chips as they are bound to go throughout the years but this is normal.
Hello Tony,

I found the XP20 better than X1 regarding soundstage definitely larger.. same height .. besides its mids are more refined than ours (I mean than our X1) and with additional warmth compared to ours.
The X1 is IMHO more neutral , speaking about mids , but thank to this also a bit less enjoyable and sweet than the XP20.
I was interested to change my X1 but after have listened the XP20 in a setup I know very well .. I still dunno if money effort worth one's while
That's why I warned the X1 isn't absolutely an obsolete preamp!
Did you hear the XP-20 in other systems as well? I find it to be so transparent that it really reflects the character of what is in the rest of the system. I agree the mids are more refined. The lower noise floor relative to the X-1 also allows me to hear more detail and I find it has less of its own signature than the X-1 has. For example, the quality of particular recordings is more apparent. I found the X-1 very slightly cool/dry of neutral and that character was evident with all recordings in my system. The XP-20 sounds cleaner, smoother and clearer and yes, warmer on some recordings, but I think that warmth brings it closer to neutral than the cooler X-1, if you follow my thinking. The X-1 remains an excellent value and is of very top quality.
Hmm, quite the dilemma. Although at this stage of quality I think one would definitely have to hear one of these in one's own system. Now how do I get my hands on a X10 or X20? :-( No dealers around here who carry that sort of stuff.
You can do an in-home demo by calling RENO HIFI. I think there is a restocking fee plus shipping which shouldn't be bad for UPS ground if you choose not to buy. I've had great experience with Mark. I bought my XA.5 amps, and both the X1 and XP20 from him because there is no dealer in my area either.
Tonypony. You could call Pass and ask them for their dealer list.They would help you.