Dear Peterayer :-)
- The X1 is trasparent exactly like the XP20 .. non more but not less
- The low noise is so low in the X1 the lower noise you refer to the XP20 you can discover only by instruments and not by your ears
- The more (more??? No no! .. maybe something more!) detail you discover in the XP20 is referring to the super transparency of the XP20 that allow you to capture something more than the X1 .. but pay attention .. I wrote "something more" and not more..
- I agree and I already wrote the X1 is on the cool/neutral side compared to the sweeter/romantic (mids only!) XP20
The XP-20 sounds cleaner, smoother and clearer and yes, warmer on some recordings, but I think that warmth brings it closer to neutral than the cooler X-1 ... (Peterayer)
Uhmm... not cleaner .. the X1 is super clean too .. surely warmer already said.
No , I don't agree the additional warm of the XP20 bring you closer to the neutral side.
I think in the end the X1 is the perfect preamp (nowaday too!) for Tube amps more than SS amps while the new XP20 is also perfect for SS amps! thanks to these additional refined and warmer mids.
In fact I envy the XP20 of my friend Carlo because it should be the perfect "team-mate" of my loved Parasound Halo JC1's .. surely better than the also super-good X1 I own.
But definitely the forward step Pass or Coburn injected into the XP20 is just a little step and not a radical change so I warn X1 owners that want to change into XP20 to listen the XP20 before to buy thinking to a great step-change inside their hifi setup.
Maybe a disillusion is just round the corner!
Detto questo (telling this) If I should buy a SS preamp today I surely would search for a Pass Labs XP20
I 'll have the perfect team-mate for tubes or ss amps!
Who knows what 'll be my amp choice for the future?
My cent!