McIntosh and Brystons: Fair comparison ?

lets talk about solid state amps for the Mc and the Brystons.
Are these amps in the same league ?
How is there sonic signature different from the other ?
thanks for the insight.
eggos in room corners work just fine. its the real maple syrup that will set you back.
I use a tweaked 5 lb bag of very fine milled flour in a 1 gallon ziplok on top of my SACD player. Sounds Fantastic!
My experience Bryston sst series on are as good as Ive heard. They have no hint of harshness and attack like the did with the st series and back. If I was going to move away from "budget" gear again, Id grab a newer Bryston again(I won't).
I've had the opportunity to use both.
I've used a 4B-SST(for about three years) and now use a McIntosh MC352 in my main system.
Both are well made, excellent sounding amps. However,the Bryston presents a much different sonic picture than the McIntosh. Without dissing the Bryston, (unlike some in this thread do to McIntosh), I would have to say it has a brighter,perhaps even an etched quality,especially in the treble region. The McIntosh is way more neutral sounding,Is it softer, rounder?...yes, but not dull in any way. I'd say more musical and far more listenable than the Bryston.