First Post, Looking to buy Amp& Pre, $7,000

The first thing I'd like to say is "Thank You" to all the people on this forum for their knowledge! I've learned so much from my daily trip to this wonderful site.
The reason that I,like many others I suppose, have not posted before is that I think there are so many people here that have so much more to offer in knowledge and experience than I do. Well..... on to my questions.
My system consists of PSB Synchrony One speakers, A VPI Classic tt with a Dynavector 20XH cart. A Simaudio LP3 phono. Cambridge Azur 840 CD player.
My current amp is a Denon AVR 4806,that also doubles for Home theatre.
My current system sounds very good, But.... I'm wondering how much better could it get? Will new amplification be a huge improvement over what I've got?
I would prefer to buy used because I think I could get more performance for my money.
I listen to Rock,Classic Rock,Blues, and Jazz.
I would prefer a sound that is neutral,but a shade on the warm side. I suffer from tinutus in my right ear.and any high notes that are too dry, or too bright, irritate my ear!
I also need a pre with HT bypass,as I have everything in the same room

I had a chance to audition the new Audio research dsi200 int. at a dealer in Dallas with my PSB's,but the room was bad and I asked if I could take it home. They were not too excited with that idea.
I've condidered the Pass, but i didn't know if the difference in power would be noticeable. The Denon puts out 140wpc @ 8 ohms.
The JC-1's sound interesting. would they work with an ARC LS 26 pre. I am considering the ARC or maybe a McIntosh C2300.I don't know if the C2300 has a HT passthrough.
I'm really not planning to upgrade anything else in my system for a long time,so I want something that really makes the PSB's sing!!
I do stand by my Pass Integrated recommendation, but I do want you to understand that a SIM integrated is just as worthy of your consideration, if you want it to match with your phonostage. You absolutely cannot go wrong with either brand, they are among the best out there, and I include the McIntosh in that group too. Between those three companies you will find reliability, good customer service, and a strong likelyhood they will be in business for a while to protect your investment. Frankly, I would choose the one that is at the right price for you and that looks best to you. There will not be huge differences between them sound wise, they are all well designed. In fact, with the Mac, youdo have the option of a model with 5-band eqaulizers that might help with your issue with high frequencies. There are alot of products out there, and those that will champion any of them, but with these three, you are in good company.
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Tvad,thanks for the links. As I suspected, Doug Schneider says in his review that the Synchrony One's need a lot of power to really sound their best.

Pubul57, I thought about the Mc MA7000, but it doesn't have a HT passthrough. There aren't a lot of integrated amps with tons of power, that I know of or can afford.