amp or preamp most important

so I'm electronically impaired ! Whats more important in the final stage of sound for music and movies, I'm thinking about an anthem p5 325w x 5 and a anthem avm 50, is this going to give me a superb all around 2 channel and home theater, thanks ?
PRE-AMP.So, as long as the amp and the speakers are best buds?they can take the just alright music that your pre has sent it and transform it into beautiful music? Your speaker & amp can make that happen? the checking to make sure all components match spec wise is a given.If your speaker is 100 watt max,200 watt amp might not work,But i think the amp can only amplify the signal its fed..Your speakers will let you hear all that mess,as long as your speaker covers the full freg.range
So, as long as your pre-amp is sending along beautiful music, it doesn't matter what happens afterwards?
the gentleman's question was what?IMHO the pre with correct cabling ,given to the amp to bring it to concert levels. Hopefully your speakers can handle the call.You,ll soon know
I guess I should have put I have great speakers that aren't leaving the system, they're rated 150w to 300w per channel, they are ATC monitors they need power and when they get it the sound is truly amazing as I found out yesterday, a guy hooked them up to the ayre v5xe amp and ayre pre, pretty sweet ! So 1 last question guys, he's trying to talk me into a 2 channel for my fronts for music and a 3 channel for my center and rears for home theater, is this good or a waste, thanks for the help !